Thursday 17 April 2008

What George said

Our other esteemed owner George Gillett has this evening said he will never sell his shares to Tom Hicks while criticising his continuing PR campaign.

He says some good things about how Hicks' media binge is poorly timed just a few days before our biggest game of the season against Chelsea at Anfield in the Champions League semi finals.

There is an indication that he has the best interests of the club at heart in looking to sell but his support of Parry (The one thing Liverpool fans probably back Hicks on) will not be to everyone's liking.

I find it hard to make my mind up about Gillett. He has stayed largely silent in all of this and that perhaps is what is both good and bad about it all. The silence is a nice reprieve from Hicks' outbursts but it is also infuriating as it allows the club to be dragged down even further with no sign of any resolution.

At the end of the day though Kopites sing "Yanks Out" and not "Yank Out" for a reason.

All Gillett's statement does is underline why this situation is nowhere near a resolution. Sad times.

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